Navegación por listas |
Página de inicio | TAH partonomy |
Nivel superior | sistema nervioso central Corto Todo |
Nivel 2 | encéfalo Corto Todo |
Nivel 3 | telencéfalo Corto Todo |
Nivel actual | archicórtex (par) |
Idioma subsidiaria con latín | |
Idioma principal no latín |
Lista partonómica |
Notas cientificas |
Libelle of note
6125 |
The Archicortex includes the Hippocampus (Ammon's horn, Dentate gyrus and Subiculum), Presubiculum, Parasubiculum, Entorhinal cortex, Retrosplenial cortex and a cortical band in the Cingulate gyrus (Stephan 1975; Zilles K, Amunts K 2012 Architecture of the cerebral cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 836-895).
6286 |
(Commissura hippocampi): The old term Psalterium has been added; much in use by clinicians; for a study on the cells of origin of commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation, see Amaral DG, Insausti R, Cowan WM (1984) The commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation. J Comp Neurol 224:307-336.
8539 |
The Via endofolialis (Endfolial pathway) is composed of Hilar Schaffer collaterals from CA3h (see Lim C, Mufson EJ, Kordower JH, et al. 1997 Connections of the hippocampal formation in humans. II. The endfolial pathway. J Comp Neurol 385:352-371).
9305 |
The classic Golgi studies by Cajal (Ramón y Cajal S 1909-1911 Histologie du système nerveux de l'homme et des vertébrés. Maloine, Paris) and Lorente de Nó R (1934 Studies on the structure of the cerebral cortex. II. Continuation of the study of the ammonic system. J Psychol Neurol (Lpz) 46:113-177) showed the presence of some 20 different types of interneurons in the Hippocampus. Most of them have been immunohistochemically defined (see Freund TF, Buzsaki G 1996 Interneurons of the hippocampus. Hippocampus 6:347-470; Somogyi P 2010 Hippocampus: Intrinsic organization. In: Shepherd GM, Grillner S, eds: Handbook of Brain Microcircuitry. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 148-164). Some 28 types of GABAergic interneurons can be distinguished (Somogyi 2010), basically: Basket neurons, Bistratified neurons, and Chandelier neurons.
Firma |
Type of list | P4 |
List Unit Identifier | 6125 |
Number of children | 121 (validated) |
Number of units | 48 (validated) |
Signature | 1943 (validated since 14.3.2020) |
Fecha: 18.08.2024 |